Sunday, December 17, 2006

pressie update!!

have been naughty and forgot to update!!

Here's my pressies from the advent swap:

Day 12:
yummie ribbons!! baby blue and a scrummie blue with white poka dots.

Day 13
I got some beautiful glittery rubons..... all Christmassey and snowmen!!

I also got a lovely, really pretty card in the post with a package containing the most yummy blossoms, white and blue ones!!! really made my day.

Day 14
mmmmmmmm!!! I got a bar of sugar free choc!! looks abs delish cant wait to have a taste!! ta SS, you're a gem xxx

*eta*acually!! couldnt resist, took it out of the draw to look at again and had to have a bit!! it is the most creamy, delish, sugar free choc i've tasted!! OMGosh!! in chocparadise!!! yummmmmm

*etaa* ahem!! went to look at it to see the type as it tastes like belgian choc - it is - and another bit broke off and jumped into my mouth!!!

Day 15
I got some cardstock in a lovely creamy colour.

Day 16
Really prettiful patterned cardstock in sugar ontop and sprinkles, fab!

Day 17
a scrummmmie die cut sheet, I think they match the paper/card I got on day 16.... oooo and the card from 15th!! I feel a mini book coming on!!

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