After that post about restarting the year, Dh and the kiddies were involved in a small car accident on Monday. Hubby and Kali were hurt, Adrie has injury to his arms and knees and Kali has a bump on his head. I was at work at the time and Adrie called me... He sounded so shaken and like he was in tears, I just had to rush home. My Cuzz came for me and I just hugged Adrie when I saw him. He looked so Sad and distraught.
We went to the Hospital and waited for 3hrs. They were both told to take pain relief and we needed to keep an eye on Kali for any seriousness as he had a head injury. The little blighter wanted to go to school and is in such a mood about it.
Adrie is so down, I talked to him about it and he says that he wishes he was on his own as the kids were so frightened. He says Kali was in shock and was screaming and saying " tell me its a dream daddy, tell me it didnt happen" poor love.
I am so gratefull that they are ok and I have them safe.
The car is badly damaged, the bumper is smashed, the air bags on the drivers side made a big mess of the dashboard. The garage are taking it in tomorrow so hopefully they'll give us a courteousy car.
SOooo... this year has only just started but I already want to start again!! So I'll leave all the stuff that happened before right NOW and start...... NOW!!! I want to start off by saying I WILL work at my sininging, my career, my Family life..... I want to become the person God wants me to be.... not the person I am. Oh and I WILL work on my weight but also make sure my weight doesnt determine how I think. feel. live!!
A lovely scrapper directed me to Ali Edwards "One Little Word" thingy that she'd read in her e-zine:
"one little word A single word can be a powerful thing. It can be the ripple in the pond that changes everything. It can be sharp and biting or rich and soft and slow. Last fall in issue two of this newsletter I wrote about the power of words and gave my top ten tips for getting those words down when you are scrapbooking. Today I want to introduce you to the idea that a single word can be a catalyst for enriching your life as well as your scrapbook layouts. Last year I began a tradition of chosing one word for myself each January - a word that I can focus on, mediate on, and reflect upon as I go about my daily life. Last year my word was something I wanted to bring into my life in a more tangible way. My word was play. I thought a lot about play and what it means to me. I tried to incorporate it more into my everyday and on my adventures out in the crazy world. For me, it was a lot about living without fear - about being more open to experiences with an attitude of playfulness. The word play found its way onto many scrapbook pages and into many stories I told throughout the year. Can you identify a single word that sums up what you want for yourself in 2007? It can be something tangible or intangible. It could be a thought or a feeling or an emotion. It can be singular or plural. The key is to find something that has personal meaning for you. This is not your mother's word or your spouse's word or your child's word - this is YOUR word. One little word can have big meaning in your life if you allow yourself to be open to the possibilities. And here's one thing that is totally interesting: sometimes a word will pop into your brain and it will not make any sense to you right now. Give it some time. Let it percolate a bit. I have often found that our hearts speak to us in very unique ways. Maybe this is a word you need to hear but just aren't ready for it yet. Again, be open to the possibilities.You may be wondering, what in the heck does this all have to do with scrapbooking? For me, words are at the heart of what I do. The photos are a huge part, but the words bring it all home. Often times I will begin a layout with a single word. That word becomes my guide as I create my page. It helps me focus the story I am trying to tell and gives me an instant, easy graphic title approach. How often has a word directed your creativity when working on layouts?" I am tottaly up for this!!! After thinking a while, the word I came up with is PRETTY. I have the most damaging self image of myself and very low self esteem. I am absolutely tired of hating myself and being my worse enemy. I'm determined that this year, I'll shake all the negativity and bad thoughts and with the Help of God I know I can do it. I WILL use the word pretty to describe myself. I love pretty things - charms, glitter, little trinklets, bracelets, sweet embelies...... PRIMA's LOLOLO .... Pens, pretty notebooks, bags.....and love to look at them, I want to love to look at myself also. SOoooooo my word for the year is PRETTY.
Soooooo...... at work on wednesday was maaad busy and as usual we were short staffed. I was the only person on the shop floor as everyone was on tills. I jumped on a back till to let the poor warehouse guy go, he had jumped on the till so a collegue could go to break. The line/duty mahager was on a till too bless him. Mark(the manager) asked someone to take me off and asked me to look after the store for him while he nipped down for asandwhich, poor love hadn't eaten all day..... told him off and ordered him to eat something more filling than a sarnie! I went to front of store after i had helped a few customers and directed some customers in line to pay in the bakery as the queues in the main store were waaay long, I followed them just to make sure and saw that there was no one in there to serve them, I told them i'd serve them since I sent them there in the first place and went behind the till. As I was ringing up their purchasers, another couple came "nevermind" I thought to myself and continued serving. Another person came but I told them I was closing. I really needed to get of the till so I could watch the store and start a team up to take date expired goods off shelves. I saw an elderly woman, I recognised her as a regular, standing with her trolley eating something from the bakery. Another lady came in to pay and I told her I was closing, She had a heavy basket and I felt bad for her so told her to come over and I ringed up her purchases. The elderly lady pushed her trolley over and I told her I was closing. I asked if there was still queues in the main bit of the store, she said yes so I said I'd serve her.... Thank God I did cos she didnt look well at all. She told me she felt hyperglycemic.....or however you spell it LOL, and had to eat a donut, she gave me the empty bag. I told her no probs., I looked closer and the poor love was shaking. I asked her if she felt ok and she said "No" "you dont look well at all" I told her and asked her if she wanted to sit down. I told my collegue who had come in to ask me to sign onto some hand held terminals, to get a chair for the lady. I asked her if she would like a cup of tea, and told him to get someone to make her one in the catering unit. The lady, I'll call her Ms Nice from nnow on, was really shaky and said she was gonna eat some of the dried apricots she purchased, I came round from the till and gave them to her, she told me she was slightly diabetc and hadn't eaten. I told her she really musnt do that and that it was important to eat regularily when you're diabetic or her blood sugar would be affected. I took the tea from collegue and put milk in it for her, stired it and removed the tea bag. I asked her if she had anything in her bag that she could eat. I found some biscuits and she said she'd eat one so I oppened it for her. She started to feel better and I asked if there was anyone I could call for her. She said she was gonna drive home and that she was gonna go and have a meal at "Toffs" - a fab well known fish shop. The little poppet didnt want to bother anyone and kept appologising for keeping me from my work. I told her not to be silly and kept talking to her to see if she was ok. I worked aroun the bakery area so I could keep an eye on her and still get some stuff done. She looked much better and said she felt better. I told her I was still going to call a first aider as I wanted to make sure she was ok. I arranged for someone to take aisie of the back till so she could come to the bakery. When Aise came I told her what happend, Ms Nice started to get really upset and said she was so angry with herself, we told her not to worry and to relax. She really didnt want to be a bother. She didnt want her details entered into the accident book because she didnt want any fuss, I told her she deserved to be fussed over, and that I was sure she had fussed over others and it was her turn she laffed and was much more cheery. In the end, Ms Nice said she was ok to go and that she was off to toffs, I told her that once she had sat down and eaten hopefully she'd feel much better. she was gonna walk over but her bags were heavy and it was raining I told her to let One of the warehouse guys to walk over with her. At first she said "No" as she wanted no fuss but she went to pick up the bags and felt how heavy they were. "What are you like!!" I asked her and she laffed and said "terrible" LOLOLOL. I asked her how often she got an offer of a lovely young man to escort her to her car and carry her bags... she laffed again and accepted the offer. I'm sooooooo pleased that I served those customers now as I would hate to think what might have happened, I'm gonna follow it up and make sure someone called her to see if she was ok.